About me


My name is Maria, i am 38 years old and i am certified nutrition specialist with a complex view on nutrition as a lifestyle and not as a temporary diet.

Not everyone realizes that balanced eating is only one of a few, but probably the most important step on your way to permanent health, and i will be glad to help you with this step.

My nutrition plan includes the instructions for further steps, meaning physical activity recommendations, recovery and stress reduction.
I believe that every person is unique, and that is why I do not offer any standard diets, but individual nutrition plans which contain only available and familiar products, without any restrictions or excluding any of the ingredients, unless the health condition requires so. That is also the reason why i do not offer nutrition plans for: vegan, vegetarian, raw, low carb, keto diet etc.

I put a significant importance on eating and cooking in a simple way, using preferably local, seasonal and not processed food. I also do NOT sell any food supplements and do not represent any particular brand!

What brought me to this journey?

My original qualification is Finance and Accounting. As a kid and neither as an adult, i was doing any sports, nor thinking about nutrition. Sometimes i went to gym and used a diet “not eating after 6” and i had a good feeling, but only that feeling, no results. One day, and it hasn’t been that long, i decided that my body deserves more. I went through a long way, before i found what i like and what is good for me (and i am actually still looking). Thanks to people i met on my way, who inspired me, i am where i am right now. So i decided, that my mission in this life is to be that person who inspires and helps others on their journey.

What can you achieve with suitable nutrition?

Health and energy

or better and active life


in your eating habits


of body fat and weight


with your body and soul