How the cooperation works?

Online request

Fill in simple form, after that i will contact you with invitation for the initial consultation

Initial consultation

For your safety and comfort, as well as time saving, the meeting will happen on-line on web app of your choice (Skype, Zoom...), excluding the case if you buy a diagnosis of body on Tanita device, in this case we will have to meet face-to-face 🙂 On the initial consultation we will talk about what you want to achieve and your expectations of this program, i will also introduce how i work. If we agree on cooperation, i will send you metabolic test to fill in and tell you all about further procedure. This meeting is completely free! if you decide not to cooperate, i will not send you test and we just finish the meeting.

Delivery of individual nutrition plan

I will create a nutrition plan for you and send it via e-mail. The plan consists of: your metabolic type and nutrition recommendations, recommendations for physical activities, supplementation, lifestyle, grocery shopping, cooking, also recipe book created by me, where you can find the nutrition values at each ingridience so you can match your cooking to your metabolic type.

Main consultation

After the delivery of plan, we will meet again and explain all the aspects of recommended nutrition, and how you can plan your meals. The meeting will be again on-line. If you need, you have 1 month time from the moment of plan delivery to post any question, book another meeting and you will not pay anything extra for that.

6-months coaching

In case of program "Complex" the cooperation will continue for 6 months and we will go more into details (development of the nutrition recommendations, coaching, measurements, monitoring of your results, sample menu for your inspiration etc.)

What can you achieve with suitable nutrition?

Health and energy

or better and active life


in your eating habits


of body fat and weight


with your body and soul